PDO Threads

Remove loose skin from your face with minimal downtime.

Gravity makes itself more noticeable as we age, primarily because our facial structure weakens, and we lose facial fat. The affected areas are the eyebrows, the eye area, the cheek, the jowls, and the neck. As a result, the face becomes longer, squarer, and older looking.

key Benefits

PDO thread treatment areas

In most cases, thread lifts are a great way to refresh the areas of your face that are showing signs of aging. People experiencing mild wrinkling, thin skin, or sagging are ideal candidates for a PDO thread lift. But the most treatment areas are as follows:

PDO thread: How does it work?

It involves tightening and lifting your skin using a dissolvable thread. The procedure usually takes less than 45 minutes and requires no scalpel. Compared to facelift surgery, it is less invasive.

Thread lifts made of polydioxanone (PDO) use biodegradable polyester sutures. Thread lifts are best at lifting sagging skin, whereas facial rejuvenation procedures are best at lifting sagging skin.

PDO thread treatments entail which processes?

The physician is likely to advise that you avoid alcohol and tobacco use at least five days before your procedure, along with anything else that may cause bleeding or bruising. If you have any potential complications, your physician will explain them to you and advise you about the recovery process.

Your treatment will begin after the anesthetic has taken effect. Sharp-tipped or blunt-tipped needles are used to insert PDO threads. As the skin is raised, they serve as anchors once inserted into the appropriate layer of skin. The excess thread line is then chopped off.

When is the complete result of the PDO thread visible?

The results of some of the treatments are visible immediately afterward, such as some lifting and contouring effects. In fact, after leaving our office, you may notice that your skin looks tighter than after a week.

Typically, you will see your final results within a month or two of having your PDO thread lift. However, if you’re older, you may have to wait longer. It is because a person’s age plays a significant role in the rate at which their body produces new, healthy collagen. A protein called collagen plumps up your cheeks, fills in fine lines, smooths out wrinkles, and contributes to a youthful appearance.

Are the PDO Thread treatment results permanent?

Several factors contribute to PDO threads’ life expectancy, including the thickness of the threads, the quality of the threads, and your body’s metabolism. It is usually within six to nine months that most of our clients find the threads have disintegration.

Is the PDO treatment an expensive investment?

A thread lift is less expensive than a traditional facelift, but it’s not covered by insurance. Costs vary according to many factors contact us for more information.

Can side effects be expected from the PDO thread treatments?

It is possible to experience soreness, swelling, bruising, and small wrinkles after a PDO thread lift. Following any inflammation, threads should not be felt after about five to seven days if inserted into the appropriate deep tissue layer. The threads may be too superficially placed if you can still feel them after a couple of weeks. The threads dissolve over six months when you no longer feel them, no matter where they are placed.

To learn more about the cost of the fat dissolving procedure, please get in touch with us on 0499 380 847 or admin@crowncosmeticclinic.com.au

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